Comment Bien Conserver ses Fleurs de Cannabis ?

How to Properly Store Your Cannabis Flowers?

Cannabis flowers are natural products that offer many benefits for health and well-being. They are appreciated for their aromas, flavors and relaxing effects. But how best to preserve them so that they keep all their qualities? In this article, we will give you some practical tips for storing your cannabis flowers optimally.

Choose the Right Container

The first element to take into account when storing your cannabis flowers is the container. It must be airtight, opaque and resistant. The objective is to protect your flowers from air, light and shock. Air can oxidize cannabinoids and terpenes, which are the compounds responsible for the effects and aromas of flowers. Light can also degrade these compounds, as well as the color and appearance of flowers. Shock can damage the trichomes, which are the small resinous glands that cover the flowers and which contain the majority of cannabinoids and terpenes. The ideal container for storing your cannabis flowers is therefore a glass or metal box, with a lid that closes well. Avoid plastic bags, which are permeable to air and light, and which can create static electricity. Plastic can also release chemicals that can alter the taste and quality of your flowers. Choose a container suited to the quantity of flowers you want to keep, neither too large nor too small. A container that is too large can leave too much air inside, which can encourage oxidation. A container that is too small can compress your flowers, which can reduce their aromatic potential.

Keep your Flowers Protected from Light

As we have seen, light is one of the main factors that can alter the quality of your cannabis flowers. They should therefore be kept in a dark place, away from direct sunlight or artificial light sources. For example, you can store them in a cupboard, drawer or cabinet. If you don't have an opaque container, you can also wrap your box in aluminum foil or kraft paper to prevent light from entering. Light can in fact cause a photochemical reaction, which can transform CBD into CBN, a less active and more sedative cannabinoid. Light can also affect the color of flowers, making them browner or yellower, which can diminish their visual appeal.

Store your Flowers in a Cool, Dry Place

Temperature and humidity are also important parameters for preserving your cannabis flowers. Temperature variations, which can affect the molecular structure of cannabinoids and terpenes, should be avoided. It is also necessary to avoid excessively high temperatures, which can accelerate the oxidation process and encourage the development of mold. The ideal temperature for storing your cannabis flowers is between 15 and 25°C. You should also avoid places that are too humid, which can also encourage the proliferation of mold and bacteria. The ideal humidity for storing your cannabis flowers is between 55 and 65%. You can use a hygrometer to measure the humidity level in your storage location. If necessary, you can use desiccant bags or humidifiers to adjust the humidity level. Mold and bacteria can not only deteriorate the quality of your flowers, but also pose a risk to your health. They can cause respiratory infections, allergies or poisoning. It is therefore essential to regularly check the condition of your flowers, and throw them away if you notice signs of mold, such as white, green or gray spots, or an unpleasant odor.


By following these tips, you will be able to keep your cannabis flowers for several months, even several years, without them losing their quality. You will be able to take full advantage of their benefits, whether by smoking them, vaporizing them or infusing them. Remember to check the condition of your flowers regularly, and consume them in moderation. Good tasting ! 😊

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